Good quality tyre. I messed up trying to fit it and busted the tube. I took it to ‘ride electric’ at Burleigh and their customer service so terrible. Poor communication done over a ‘hub platform’
I’ll bring it in to you guys next time.
Good points Really nice build quality, easy to operate with integrated throttle/pedal assist, powerful quiet motor and a real pleasure to ride
Issues are minor Fenders look great but tend to rattle on rough roads, one pedal clicks but I've got used to it, instruction manual very basic so YouTube up the setting up process especially front wheel fitting with hydraulic brakes.
Great value
I'm happy with the speed & performance of the scooter. I can double my Mrs, through the middle of Sydney, anytime of day, the scooter has awesome handling with unlimited power to sit at any speed. It has no loss of power with the extra weight, & whether it's fast, or doing 5km/hr through darling harbour, people all over the place, it handles well. The only thing I'd prefer: if it came with hydraulic brakes, for the price, rather than having to adjust brakes constantly! Overall though, I'm happy with the scooter, it's a nice addition...